Have you ever wanted a resource that has an answer to all your questions? Every practice we visit the response is the same “Can we keep you here to call on” which is testament to our knowledge. We not only have the answers but also the solutions to ensuring you achieve your targets in the easiest possible way.
We are not only experts in TPP SystmOne, EMIS Web and InPS Vision but also the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF), Enhanced Services and third party integrations such as Docman, Scriptswitch, MJOG and iPlato as well as Record sharing, information Governance, Electronic Prescription Service (EPS2), GP2GP and Miquest.
We specialise in Data Quality and Read codes and all the components that fit into achieving and using these including Data entry Templates, Protocols and Concepts as well as making the consultation process easier by using inbuilt system tools.
If you are interested in seeing what we can do for you including Data Quality assessments that will return more income than the day costs or your money back. We offer remote support, Telephone support and also annual contracts so that we really can be that resource in the cupboard.
Training, Consultancy and Support for all your practice needs
Can we have an idea of charge for Surgery support?
Hi John
We offer a number of different support options from e-mail and telephone to on-site support either weekly, monthly or less as required. I have contacted you direct by email as would be best to talk through your requirements and determine the best solution to offer.