Were now in the 2nd half of the QoF year and time to think about setting your QoF alerts to look ahead to the end of the QoF year and what points and work needs to be done. 1 quick win is to ensure that you have set your status alerts to the end of […]
Posts in the Contract category:
Allocated Named Accountable GP
For 2015/16 it is a contractual requirement for all Practices to Allocate and inform patients of their named GP. This requires the practice to enter the new code ‘patient allocated named accountable general practitioner’ (Read v2 – 9NN60 or CTv3 – XacWQ) to confirm the practice has allocated a GP to each patient which should […]
Residential Institute Codes
Over the last few years Most practices have migrated from one system to another or upgraded their existing system and one thing we come up with regularly when talking to practices is problems with registration links. On helping practices we have identified that the Residential Institute codes may not always have been updated or re-configured […]
DM014 – Structured Education could catch you out
QoF (Quality and Outcomes Framework) Reporting tools are a great way to identify the work needed to achieve your end of year targets but patients could not be displayed due to the exceptions included within the rules and these patients could catch you out for next year. There are a number of indicators that require […]
Patient Online Support and Resources
The General Medical Services (GMS) and Personal Medical Services (PMS) contracts (2014/15) include the requirement for general practices to offer and promote to patients: online appointment booking, online ordering of repeat prescriptions and, by 31 March 2015, online access to summary information as a minimum in their patient record. The Patient Online Team at NHS […]