There have been some updates to the business rules for the Network Contract DES (NCD) Impact and Investment Fund (IIF) which will make it easier to achieve the points available for the SMR-03 (NCD111) indicator.
Previously the rule required patients who were on a direct-acting oral anti-coagulant (DOAC) to have a GFR within the contract year (2022-23) and then from the latest Renal Function Test (eGFR) recorded required needed to add a Creatinine Clearance Rate (CCr) after the eGFR date and ensure there was a weight within 12 months of the CCr and then to code within the record that the dose has been changed or not within 31 days of the CCr test.
This has now been updated so that patients on a DOAC should have an eGFR and then from the earliest of these within the contract year patient must have a CCr recorded on or after this ensuring that there is a weight recorded within 12 months of the earliest of the CCr’s and before or on the latest CCr and then to have the Dose check coded on or after the earliest CCr.
This should ensure that practices are not penalised if a later eGFR is recorded after the indicator has already been achieved. It is still a good idea to review the process to ensure that there is a recall system in place to ensure a Renal Function Test (eGFR) is carried out and that the CCr is updated with an up-to-date weight. Dose Checked should be coded against this updated CCr
To Complete SMR-03 (NCD111) You Must:
– Record Renal Function Test (eGFR) within the Current Contract Year (01-04-2022 to 31-03-2023)
– Calculate Creatinine Clearance Rate (CCr) on or after the earliest eGFR
– Ensure Weight recorded within 12 months of earliest CCr and Latest CCr
– Record DOAC dose changed (1364161000000108) or DOAC unchanged (1364181000000104) after earliest CCr
a lot easier 🙂