For 2015/16 it is a contractual requirement for all Practices to Allocate and inform patients of their named GP.
This requires the practice to enter the new code ‘patient allocated named accountable general practitioner’ (Read v2 – 9NN60 or CTv3 – XacWQ) to confirm the practice has allocated a GP to each patient which should have been completed by 30th June 2015.
Practice then have until the 31st March 2016 to notify individual patients as appropriate and record the code ‘Informing patient of named accountable general practitioner’ (Read v2 – 67DJ or CTv3 – Xab9D)
Practices should check their processes to ensure that the Informing patient of named accountable GP code is being entered when the patient presents. There are a number of options available as to how these patients are identified and coded for example patients who have attended for an appointment and will have been provided with this information (As practice policy and process will be in place for this)could be bulk coded on a daily basis if you set up the searches.
If you have not recorded that patients have been allocated a named GP then your payments for Period 1 and Period 2 for the Avoiding Unplanned Admissions Enhanced Service will be affected. The CQRS Submission uses a rule that if the patients have not been allocated a named gp then they will not appear in your payment submission.
- Check your CQRS Submission payment for Period 1 Payment Achievment Date to ensure that you have patients included in the register as this will determine the payment you receive (27% of AUA total payment). You are required to have maintained a register of at least 2% between 1/4/2015 and 30/9/2015, Have allocated a Named Accountable GP, Completed a care plan, review of a care plan or declined a care plan within the previous 12 months to the payment period end date (31/9/2015).
- Check that you have allocated all patients with a Named Accountable GP and that this is included in any new registration template or letter you provide to the pateint when they register
- Care plans must be completed or reviewed within 12 months from the payment period end date so for the 30th September only care plans completed or reviewed since 30/09/2014 will be counted
- Check that you are recording that you have informed patients of the Named accountable GP and that you have or are using the searches to maintain this
If you need any further information please contact me